The most personalized mastery platform in the world.
Join over 2 million teachers and students using our standards-aligned adaptive curriculum in Math and ELA for Grades K-8.

Transform Your Classroom Today

Start saving your precious classroom time. Leverage ScootPad to do the heavy lifting of delivering continuously personalized enrichment, scaffolding, and mastery to every student.



WITHOUT SCOOTPAD Traditional Classroom



WITH SCOOTPAD Traditional Classroom
How ScootPad Works

Help Your Students Achieve Mastery In Every Concept

ScootPad adapts in real-time to meet students exactly where they are with the right level of practice, instruction, scaffolding, and assessment to ensure they master every concept.

Get Knowledge Gaps Filled in Real-Time

ScootPad will automatically detect knowledge gaps in real-time and scaffold learning to prerequisite skills (at or below grade level) to help each student catch up on exactly what they need to move ahead.

Engage Your Students With The Most Comprehensive Tech-Enhanced Curriculum

Our ready-made curriculum offers 1,000+ free, standards-aligned and textbook-mapped adaptive learning paths in Math and ELA for Grades K-8. Building your own custom learning paths is as easy as drag-and-drop.

How ScootPad Works

Maximize Your Learning Impact With Our
Hybrid Differentiation Platform

Unlike traditional tools, ScootPad's powerful hybrid engine delivers data-driven differentiation through automatic adaptivity and targeted teacher-driven intervention.

Differentiated Learning

Trusted By 2+ Million Users Globally